Seeking growth amidst macroeconomic uncertainties and fast changing market dynamics remains a pressing concern for businesses. These conditions, coupled with increasing investor demand to embrace environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and the rise of artificial intelligence that is disrupting traditional operating models, means that businesses need to transform and find ways to leverage their intangible assets to create innovative value propositions and bolster long-term business value.

Jointly organised by the Institute of Valuers and Appraisers, Singapore (IVAS) and the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), this year's conference will be presented in partnership with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), and its IP Week @ SG 2024. Join us to gain first-hand insights and connect with Business Valuation thought leaders, policy makers, senior business leaders, lawyers, and fellow Business Valuation professionals.
Established under the umbrella of Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, the Institute of Valuers and Appraisers, Singapore (IVAS) seeks to foster professional excellence in the areas of Business Valuation and develop Singapore into a Centre of Excellence for Business Valuation through:
  Promotion of professional valuation standards;
  Setting of ethical and professional standards of practice;
  Contributions in thought leadership, research and development;
  Provision of quality education and training curriculum; and
  Promotion of professional qualification and certification in Business Valuation
Through these initiatives, IVAS will seek to broaden the talent pool, deepen the expertise of Business Valuation professionals, uphold the public trust in the role they perform and enhance the reputation of the Business Valuation profession in the region.

For more information, please visit
The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) is the UN recognised, independent and not-for-profit organisation that produces and implements universally accepted standards for the valuation of assets across the world. The IVSC consists of representatives from a wide range of sectors, including professional valuation institutes, valuation providers, standard setters, regulators and academia. The organisation's mission is to set and maintain effective, high-quality International Valuation Standards and to contribute to the development of the global valuation profession, thereby serving the global public interest.

For more information, please visit